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Sly 2: Band of Thieves Progress

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Brotherhood of ThievesBrotherhood of Thieves
Unlock all trophies in Sly 2: Band of Thieves.
Knock Them OutKnock Them Out
Open the vault in Episode 1: The Black Chateau.
Don't You Love When a Plan Comes Together?Don't You Love When a Plan Comes Together?
Complete all jobs in Episode 1: The Black Chateau.
I'm Going InsaneI'm Going Insane
Open the vault in Episode 2: A Starry Eyed Encounter.
Savor the MomentSavor the Moment
Complete all jobs in Episode 2: A Starry Eyed Encounter.
It's a ShockerIt's a Shocker
Open the vault in Episode 3: The Predator Awakes.
Bollywood Will Have to WaitBollywood Will Have to Wait
Complete all jobs in Episode 3: The Predator Awakes.
Go LongGo Long
Open the vault in Episode 4: Jailbreak.
Thank You, WizardThank You, Wizard
Complete all jobs in Episode 4: Jailbreak.
You're Not You When You're AngryYou're Not You When You're Angry
Open the vault in Episode 5: A Tangled Web.
Eye on the PrizeEye on the Prize
Complete all jobs in Episode 5: A Tangled Web.
It's a Sleeper HitIt's a Sleeper Hit
Open the vault in Episode 6: He Who Tames the Iron Horse.
Heist on RailsHeist on Rails
Complete all jobs in Episode 6: He Who Tames the Iron Horse.
Shocking MovesShocking Moves
Open the vault in Episode 7: Menace in the North, Eh?
Is This the End of the Cooper Gang?Is This the End of the Cooper Gang?
Complete all jobs in Episode 7: Menace in the North, Eh?
Thievius SneakiusThievius Sneakius
Open the vault in Episode 8: Anatomy for Disaster.
Victory, but at What Cost?Victory, but at What Cost?
Complete all jobs in Episode 8: Anatomy for Disaster.
Let Me Shine YouLet Me Shine You
Listen to Dimitri's Greasy Sweet remix in Episode 1: The Black Chateau.
A Monetary BriefingA Monetary Briefing
Find 10 cash briefcases in Episode 1: The Black Chateau.
Sky TurtleSky Turtle
As Bentley, climb to the roof of Rajan's Palace in Episode 2: A Starry Eyed Encounter.
Honorary CooperHonorary Cooper
As Murray, bring a guard into the Safe House in Episode 2: A Starry Eyed Encounter.
Hidden WealthHidden Wealth
Find 10 unique cash briefcases in Episode 3: The Predator Awakes.
Ancient SentryAncient Sentry
When not in a job, defeat 3 guards with the tower turret in Episode 3: The Predator Awakes.
Wizard of ChaosWizard of Chaos
As Bentley, use a Snooze Bomb, Reduction Bomb, and Health Extractor on the same guard in Episode 4: Jailbreak.
Gone but Not ForgottenGone but Not Forgotten
Pay respect to a ghost of the past in Episode 5: A Tangled Web.
Blind with RageBlind with Rage
As Sly, with the help of the Rage Bomb, defeat all 5 guards in the vault room without being detected in Episode 5: A Tangled Web.
Fear "The Murray"Fear "The Murray"
As Murray, defeat a bear without taking damage in Episode 6: He Who Tames the Iron Horse.
No Resting until I Have Cooper!No Resting until I Have Cooper!
As Sly, throw a Music Box at Carmelita in Episode 6: He Who Tames the Iron Horse.
There's Nowhere to GoThere's Nowhere to Go
Destroy 5 outhouses in Episode 7: Menace in the North, Eh?
Make Me a Steel OmeletMake Me a Steel Omelet
Destroy 5 metal eggs in Episode 8: Anatomy for Disaster.
One and DoneOne and Done
As Murray, defeat 5 guards with the Fists of Flame.
Attack of the Giant Bentley!Attack of the Giant Bentley!
As Bentley, shrink 4 guards at once.
Slyght of HandSlyght of Hand
As Sly, pickpocket 5 pieces of loot without being detected.
No Challenge Too Daunting for the Cooper GangNo Challenge Too Daunting for the Cooper Gang
Obtain all powerups.
Master ThiefMaster Thief
Sell 50 unique pieces of loot.
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