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Ys Progress

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7.0% complete

4 / 30 🏆
30 / 430 points

iconinfoRA score
Reach Level 2 without a fight (no loading)
✅ unlocked at 6/27/2024, 12:36:23 AM
10 points
Forgotten MelodiesForgotten Melodies
Access the unused soundtrack
5 points
Full WardrobeFull Wardrobe
Obtain all pieces of equipment
25 points
Accept Sara's request and obtain the Crystal
✅ unlocked at 6/27/2024, 12:36:15 AM
5 points
Reach the maximum level
25 points
Defeat Jenocres
10 points
Pest ControlPest Control
Defeat Nygtilger
10 points
Prison BreakPrison Break
Rescue Feena
10 points
Return the Silver Bell
10 points
Return the Sapphire Ring
✅ unlocked at 6/27/2024, 12:35:01 AM
5 points
Good HaulGood Haul
Find the Gold Pedestal
✅ unlocked at 6/27/2024, 12:32:46 AM
10 points
Vampire HunterVampire Hunter
Defeat Vagulion
10 points
A Piece of GratitudeA Piece of Gratitude
Return the Silver Harmonica
10 points
Treasure Hunter (A)Treasure Hunter (A)
Open all the treasure chests in part A
25 points
No Turning BackNo Turning Back
Enter the Darm Tower
25 points
The Wall CrusherThe Wall Crusher
Get broken out of prison
5 points
Protective CharmProtective Charm
Ward off the first trap of Darm Tower
10 points
Bug RepellentBug Repellent
Defeat Pictimos
10 points
Rowdy AudienceRowdy Audience
Stop the Devil's song from playing
10 points
Rock SolidRock Solid
Defeat Khonsclard
10 points
Carry the maximum amount of gold
25 points
Obtain the Monocle
10 points
All Mixed UpAll Mixed Up
Defeat Yogleks and Omulgun
10 points
Obtain the Blue Amulet
10 points
Treasure Hunter (B)Treasure Hunter (B)
Open all the treasure chests in part B
25 points
Complete Ys
25 points
Finders KeepersFinders Keepers
Complete Ys with all the villagers' lost items in your inventory
25 points
Defeat Jenocres without taking damage
25 points
Sell every treasure to Pim
10 points
Defeat Pictimos without taking damage
25 points

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