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Ys I & II Chronicles Progress

more about Ys I & II ChroniclesYs I & II Chronicles
90.5% complete

176 / 184 🏆
1592 / 1760 points

iconinfoRA score
A Warning Daring Adventurer!A Warning Daring Adventurer!
[Ys I] Easy difficulty isn't allowed unless stated in the achievement's description
✅ unlocked at 7/3/2024, 11:05:09 PM
0 points
Talking is its Own RewardTalking is its Own Reward
[Ys I] In Port Barbado, obtain a Short Sword from Slaff
✅ unlocked at 7/3/2024, 11:59:44 PM
1 points
Look Mom, I'm Adventuring!Look Mom, I'm Adventuring!
[Ys I] Achieve your first level up
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 12:04:12 AM
3 points
Warning Noted, and IgnoredWarning Noted, and Ignored
[Ys I] After Jusis warns you about crossing the bridge, obtain the Golden Vase before entering Minea for the first time
✅ unlocked at 7/3/2024, 11:37:51 PM
3 points
P(r)im, but not ProperP(r)im, but not Proper
[Ys I] Thanks to some bargaining with Pim, get him to reduce all his prices by 10%
✅ unlocked at 7/3/2024, 11:46:52 PM
2 points
He'll Probably Sell it for More AnywayHe'll Probably Sell it for More Anyway
[Ys I] When selling something to Pim, convince him to offer an extra 10% to anything you sell him
✅ unlocked at 7/3/2024, 11:46:10 PM
3 points
I Wonder Who's the WifeI Wonder Who's the Wife
[Ys I] Cheer up Donis in Minea's bar by finding and returning his Sapphire Ring.
✅ unlocked at 7/3/2024, 11:49:30 PM
3 points
Some Things Never ChangeSome Things Never Change
[Ys I] While you might want to start your search for the Books of Ys now, speak to Sara to learn what you need before your quest begins
✅ unlocked at 7/3/2024, 11:42:07 PM
3 points
The Teller of Your FortuneThe Teller of Your Fortune
[Ys I] After getting a full set of equipment, obtain Sara's Crystal from the Fortuneteller Sara
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 12:08:01 AM
5 points
What Does it Taste Like?What Does it Taste Like?
[Ys I] Obtain and drink the Beastiary Potion. Now you can view enemy stats in the Note section!
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 12:25:55 AM
3 points
A Key to Part of Solomon ShrineA Key to Part of Solomon Shrine
[Ys I] Speak with Sara's aunt Jeba and be given the Shrine Key
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 12:32:41 AM
5 points
DragonForce Your Way ThroughDragonForce Your Way Through
[Ys I] Defeat the vanishing wizard Jenocres in the Shrine
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 1:01:48 AM
5 points
This Swordsman's Got a Pop-Up BlockerThis Swordsman's Got a Pop-Up Blocker
[Ys I] Defeat Jenocres while hitting them every time they appear
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 1:01:41 AM
10 points
Holders of Power IHolders of Power I
[Ys I] Defeat Jenocres without taking damage
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 1:27:25 AM
5 points
Fantasy Equipment in a NutshellFantasy Equipment in a Nutshell
[Ys I] Find the Shield Ring in the Shrine
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 1:51:01 AM
3 points
Adol, the Master of UnlockingAdol, the Master of Unlocking
[Ys I] Open every treasure chest in the Shrine
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:19:58 AM
5 points
Ring Around the AdolRing Around the Adol
[Ys I] Defeat the oversized centiped Nygtilger in the depths of the Shrine
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:18:21 AM
5 points
Holders of Power IIHolders of Power II
[Ys I] Defeat Nygtilger without taking damage
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:18:13 AM
5 points
Oh Joy, They Added an Escort MissionOh Joy, They Added an Escort Mission
[Ys I] Rescue Feena from her cell in the lower levels of the Shrine
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 1:41:21 AM
4 points
Staining a Maiden's HandsStaining a Maiden's Hands
[Ys I] Help Feena in trying to earn a level up
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 7:48:21 PM
10 points
Someone Call the SSS!Someone Call the SSS!
[Ys I] A deadend is a great spot for measuring stuff, even things left out of one's autobiography
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 7:40:09 PM
4 points
Plunderer First, Freer SecondPlunderer First, Freer Second
[Ys I] Defeat Nygtilger and open all chests in the entire Shrine before escorting Feena out of the Shrine
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 7:30:04 PM
10 points
Maybe the Prison was SaferMaybe the Prison was Safer
[Ys I] Earn the Goban character note after getting the ones for Lugan the Thief and Morgan the Thief
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 7:49:39 PM
5 points
Silver Bells Ring, You Listening?Silver Bells Ring, You Listening?
[Ys I] Receive the Power Ring for returning the Silver Bell to Mayor Robels
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:24:27 AM
5 points
A Plain Treasure Hunting ExperienceA Plain Treasure Hunting Experience
[Ys I] Obtain every treasure in the Plains
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 1:54:56 AM
3 points
First Step Towards TalwarsFirst Step Towards Talwars
[Ys I] For telling Slaff about your adventure so far, receive a Talwar for free
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 1:59:34 AM
5 points
Wanderer from EsteriaWanderer from Esteria
[Ys I] Help the sleepwalking ministrel, Luta Gemma, return home to his wife. He won't get in danger again... right?
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 7:58:16 PM
3 points
She Really Could See the FutureShe Really Could See the Future
[Ys I] Obtain your second Book of Ys in the Town of Minea
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:43:17 AM
5 points
Is That a Fact?Is That a Fact?
[Ys I] After getting the Volume of Tovah, speak with Goban to hear his suspicions regarding Sara's attacker
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 3:57:51 AM
3 points
Reah-Lize Your Poet's PotentialReah-Lize Your Poet's Potential
[Ys I] Return Reah's Harmonica and hear her melody atop the ramparts of Minea
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:44:32 AM
5 points
A Poet and you Know itA Poet and you Know it
[Ys I] Hear Reah's poem for returning both of her missing items
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 7:13:28 PM
4 points
I am a Swordsman, I Speak With the TreesI am a Swordsman, I Speak With the Trees
[Ys I] Receive a gift from one of the Roda Trees
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:48:16 AM
5 points
Stop, Adol Time!Stop, Adol Time!
[Ys I] Find the Timer Ring in the Abandoned Mine
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:30:57 AM
4 points
Mid-Dungeon HealingMid-Dungeon Healing
[Ys I] Find the Heal Ring in the Abandoned Mine. Now you can heal in dungeons or even faster everywhere else!
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:32:32 AM
4 points
Mining for RichesMining for Riches
[Ys I] Open every treasure chest in the Abandoned Mine
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 3:29:06 AM
10 points
EXP Will Only get You so FarEXP Will Only get You so Far
[Ys I] Reach the max level of 10
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:55:57 AM
10 points
This Bat Drinks Your SanityThis Bat Drinks Your Sanity
[Ys I] Defeat the beast of the night Vagullion in the depths of the Abandoned Mine
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 3:24:44 AM
10 points
Bring Garlic Next TimeBring Garlic Next Time
[Ys I] Defeat Vagullion with a weaker armor and shield (Tier 3 or lower)
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 3:24:34 AM
25 points
Why Can't I Remember Anything More?Why Can't I Remember Anything More?
[Ys I] View the scene with Feena by the lake
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 4:00:35 AM
5 points
The Night has Just BegunThe Night has Just Begun
[Ys I] Enter Darm Tower (anything outside the tower is missable beyond this point!)
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 5:00:28 AM
5 points
King Graham Wasn't This LuckyKing Graham Wasn't This Lucky
[Ys I] Have Dogi break into all three prison cells in Darm Tower
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 5:19:54 AM
3 points
Prey for Your SurvivalPrey for Your Survival
[Ys I] Defeat the giant mantis Pictimos in Darm Tower
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 5:37:00 AM
10 points
Chase of ShadowChase of Shadow
[Ys I] Defeat Pictimos without taking damage
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 5:36:52 AM
5 points
Between a Rock and a Hard PlaceBetween a Rock and a Hard Place
[Ys I] Defeat the rock tornado Khonsclard in Darm Tower
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 5:56:50 AM
5 points
Sticks and Stones Won't Break My BonesSticks and Stones Won't Break My Bones
[Ys I] Defeat Khonsclard with at least 50% of your max HP remaining
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 8:44:49 PM
10 points
Girl in the TowerGirl in the Tower
[Ys I] I'm calling out, please tell me what to do... oh a Monocle to read the Books of Ys myself
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 9:37:29 PM
5 points
Luta Man's Family HeirloomLuta Man's Family Heirloom
[Ys I] For showing him his lost book, obtain the Blue Amulet from Luta Gemma
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 9:47:23 PM
5 points
Indiana Adol and the Tower of DarmIndiana Adol and the Tower of Darm
[Ys I] Open every treasure chest in Darm Tower
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 10:07:01 PM
10 points
Way Ahead of You DemonsWay Ahead of You Demons
[Ys I] Defeat the demon heads Yogleks & Omulgunin in Darm Tower
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 10:28:49 PM
10 points
Not Reflecting on Your ActionsNot Reflecting on Your Actions
[Ys I] Defeat Yogleks & Omulgunin while always staying on the left or right side of the giant mirror (starts once you've moved into position)
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 10:28:45 PM
10 points
The Book War is OverThe Book War is Over
[Ys I] Defeat the fallen descendant Dark Fact atop Darm Tower
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 11:15:38 PM
10 points
Preserving ArchitecturePreserving Architecture
[Ys I] Defeat Dark Fact without destroying the circle symbol in the center
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 11:15:33 PM
25 points
Music is More Important Fact!Music is More Important Fact!
[Ys I] Enjoy listening to the final boss music by surviving for a minute againt Dark Fact
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 8:57:57 PM
10 points
Your Flight is BookedYour Flight is Booked
[Ys I] After defeating Dark Fact, read the sixth Book of Ys to complete your adventure in Esteria
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 11:17:12 PM
10 points
Better than a Butter KnifeBetter than a Butter Knife
[Ys I] Obtain all three pieces of the first equipment set
✅ unlocked at 7/3/2024, 11:59:25 PM
2 points
Longer, but Your Reach is the SameLonger, but Your Reach is the Same
[Ys I] Obtain all three pieces of the second equipment set
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 12:53:29 AM
4 points
Trust Your Insticts and Reflex(es)Trust Your Insticts and Reflex(es)
[Ys I] Obtain all three pieces of the third equipment set
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:05:38 AM
5 points
Stealing From an Unknown ThiefStealing From an Unknown Thief
[Ys I] Obtain all three pieces of the fourth equipment set
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:48:16 AM
5 points
Ready for (Almost) Every BattleReady for (Almost) Every Battle
[Ys I] Obtain all three pieces of the fifth equipment set
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 10:07:01 PM
5 points
An Unofficial CensusAn Unofficial Census
[Ys I] Obtain every character entry in the notebook (Three can be found in Darm Tower, but one of those could be obtained earlier)
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 5:15:27 AM
25 points
Hitlist Record Keeper IHitlist Record Keeper I
[Ys I] Fill out all the information for all enemies found before Darm Tower
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 4:34:19 AM
10 points
Hitlist Record Keeper IIHitlist Record Keeper II
[Ys I] Fill out all the information for every normal enemy
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 10:20:14 PM
25 points
Pop Goes the WizardPop Goes the Wizard
[Ys I] Defeat Jenocres on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 8:08:48 PM
10 points
How's This Boss Harder?How's This Boss Harder?
[Ys I] Defeat Nygtilger on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 8:49:09 PM
10 points
Dracula Fears HimDracula Fears Him
[Ys I] Defeat Vagullion on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 9:21:42 PM
50 points
You Pictimos-t Terrible OpponentYou Pictimos-t Terrible Opponent
[Ys I] Defeat Pictimos on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 10:08:18 PM
10 points
A Boulder SwordsmanA Boulder Swordsman
[Ys I] Defeat Khonsclard on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 11:00:41 PM
10 points
Causing Harm in DarmCausing Harm in Darm
[Ys I] Defeat Yogleks & Omulgunin on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 7/8/2024, 12:11:53 AM
25 points
What a Horrible Night-mare to have an AdolWhat a Horrible Night-mare to have an Adol
[Ys I] Beat the game on Nightmare difficulty
✅ unlocked at 7/8/2024, 12:30:08 AM
50 points
Overprepared for the Easiest BossOverprepared for the Easiest Boss
[Ys I, Easy Allowed] Obtain all three pieces of the fourth equipment set before fighting Nygtilger
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 7:24:11 PM
10 points
Imagine Having a Weight LimitImagine Having a Weight Limit
[Ys I, Easy Allowed] Complete the game with minimal equipment (tier 1 sword, shield, and armor, tier 4 sword, shield, and armor, tier 5 sword, and Evil Ring)
✅ unlocked at 7/8/2024, 11:20:19 PM
25 points
CliffsNotes are More Detailed Than ThisCliffsNotes are More Detailed Than This
[Ys I, Easy Allowed] Reach the end of your journey with a playtime of 65 minutes or less
25 points
Always on Time - JenocresAlways on Time - Jenocres
[Ys I, Time Attack] Defeat Jenocres in under 35 seconds
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 11:43:05 PM
10 points
Always on Time - NygtilgerAlways on Time - Nygtilger
[Ys I, Time Attack] Defeat Nygtilger in under 25 seconds
✅ unlocked at 7/8/2024, 11:42:01 PM
10 points
Always on Time - VagullionAlways on Time - Vagullion
[Ys I, Time Attack] Defeat Vagullion in under 3 minutes
✅ unlocked at 7/8/2024, 11:35:46 PM
25 points
Always on Time - PictimosAlways on Time - Pictimos
[Ys I, Time Attack] Defeat Pictimos in under 25 seconds
✅ unlocked at 7/8/2024, 11:45:34 PM
10 points
Always on Time - KhonsclardAlways on Time - Khonsclard
[Ys I, Time Attack] Defeat Khonsclard in under 15 seconds
✅ unlocked at 7/8/2024, 11:36:49 PM
10 points
Always on Time - Yog & OmuAlways on Time - Yog & Omu
[Ys I, Time Attack] Defeat Defeat Yogleks & Omulgunin in under 30 seconds
✅ unlocked at 7/9/2024, 12:01:39 AM
10 points
Always on Time - Dark FactAlways on Time - Dark Fact
[Ys I, Time Attack] Defeat Dark Fact in under 30 seconds
✅ unlocked at 7/8/2024, 11:38:26 PM
10 points
Always on Time - NoviceAlways on Time - Novice
[Ys I, Time Attack] Complete Time Attack in 6:00 or less
✅ unlocked at 7/9/2024, 12:02:20 AM
10 points
Always on Time - MasterAlways on Time - Master
[Ys I, Time Attack] Complete Time Attack in five minutes and fifteen seconds or less
25 points
Masquerading Swordsman IMasquerading Swordsman I
[Ys I] Defeat Nygtilger while wearing the Mask of Eyes
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 2:19:37 AM
10 points
Masquerading Swordsman IIMasquerading Swordsman II
[Ys I] Defeat Vagullion while wearing the Mask of Eyes
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 3:28:42 AM
25 points
Masquerading Swordsman IIIMasquerading Swordsman III
[Ys I] Defeat Pictimos while wearing the Mask of Eyes
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 5:38:54 AM
10 points
Masquerading Swordsman IVMasquerading Swordsman IV
[Ys I] Defeat Khonsclard while wearing the Mask of Eyes
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 5:56:43 AM
10 points
Masquerading Swordsman VMasquerading Swordsman V
[Ys I] Defeat Yogleks & Omulgunin while wearing the Mask of Eyes
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 10:34:48 PM
10 points
Stuck in a Wall, and You're to BlameStuck in a Wall, and You're to Blame
[Ys I] To ensure no accidents happen, have Goban take a consumable transportation item
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 5:00:21 AM
3 points
The Often Ignored ChestsThe Often Ignored Chests
[Ys I, Easy Allowed] Open the three chests in Darm Tower containing the tier three equipment
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 8:35:48 PM
5 points
The Meeting of Your New Best FriendThe Meeting of Your New Best Friend
[Ys I] Losses aren't always a bad thing, sometimes you find what you need because of them
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 5:15:27 AM
5 points
The Origins of Darm TowerThe Origins of Darm Tower
[Ys I] Learn part of the tale that took place 700 years ago
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 5:23:44 AM
5 points
Putting Some Holes in Your PlanPutting Some Holes in Your Plan
[Ys I] With the help of a hammer, quiet down the Devil's Corridor
✅ unlocked at 7/4/2024, 5:47:05 AM
5 points
Chase of Shadow RematchChase of Shadow Rematch
[Ys I] Defeat Pictimos without taking damage on Nightmare Difficulty
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 10:48:47 PM
25 points
Your Path Will Surely Become ClearYour Path Will Surely Become Clear
[Ys II] Receive the gift of magic from the Goddesses.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 12:55:34 AM
3 points
Giant Enemy CrabGiant Enemy Crab
[Ys II] Defeat Velagunder.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 1:18:08 AM
10 points
Imagine the Overdue FinesImagine the Overdue Fines
[Ys II] Return all six Books of Ys.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 1:55:24 AM
3 points
[Ys II] Cure Lilia and get Return magic.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 1:47:32 AM
3 points
I'm Sure It's SafeI'm Sure It's Safe
[Ys II] Make an ice bridge in the Ice Ridge.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 2:14:09 AM
3 points
Flea FlickedFlea Flicked
[Ys II] Defeat Tyalmath.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 2:53:40 AM
10 points
I Heard What You SaidI Heard What You Said
[Ys II] Trick Ruba into telling the truth, and reveal your ruse.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 9:39:59 PM
5 points
Make Sure It Covers Your NoseMake Sure It Covers Your Nose
[Ys II] Use the Roda Leaf to cross through the poisonous gas.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 9:54:17 PM
5 points
Keith Smash!Keith Smash!
[Ys II] Liberate Tarf from his prison and agree to escort him home.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 9:58:29 PM
5 points
Okay What the Hell Was ThatOkay What the Hell Was That
[Ys II] Defeat Gelaldy.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 11:30:33 PM
10 points
Does This Thing Get 5GDoes This Thing Get 5G
[Ys II] Get the Lila Shell from Hadat.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 11:45:46 PM
5 points
Same Password As My LuggageSame Password As My Luggage
[Ys II] Eavesdrop on the meeting and learn the Temple password.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 12:31:28 AM
5 points
This Rules, ActuallyThis Rules, Actually
[Ys II] Get "cursed"... to be adorable.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 7:47:45 PM
5 points
Stupid Societal Beauty StandardsStupid Societal Beauty Standards
[Ys II] Dispel the curse of Dalles.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 8:05:00 PM
5 points
Hey Guys, I'm Back! ... Guys?Hey Guys, I'm Back! ... Guys?
[Ys II] Unwittingly bring tragedy to the Runaways' Hideout.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 8:14:01 PM
5 points
The Arch-ArachnidThe Arch-Arachnid
[Ys II] Defeat Druegar.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 8:49:33 PM
10 points
Nice To Finally Meet YouNice To Finally Meet You
[Ys II] Get the Waterway Key from Keith.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 9:33:18 PM
5 points
Bats Below the BelfryBats Below the Belfry
[Ys II] Defeat Zava.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 10:35:50 PM
10 points
Oh Crap Oh Crap Oh CrapOh Crap Oh Crap Oh Crap
[Ys II] Climb the bell tower, talk to Dalles, and lose all hope.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 12:01:22 AM
5 points
Getting Some Bad Vibes from This ThingGetting Some Bad Vibes from This Thing
[Ys II] Find the Black Pearl... again.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 12:29:23 AM
5 points
Moisturised and FlourishingMoisturised and Flourishing
[Ys II] Liberate the villagers in the Hideout.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 12:36:34 AM
5 points
Sword Beats RockSword Beats Rock
[Ys II] Defeat Dalles.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 1:07:32 AM
10 points
It's Okay to CryIt's Okay to Cry
[Ys II] Play the harmonica and liberate the Goddesses.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 1:16:57 AM
5 points
You're Darm RightYou're Darm Right
[Ys II] Defeat Darm and save the world.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 1:29:13 AM
25 points
Goddesses Darm ItGoddesses Darm It
[Ys II] Defeat Darm without using shield magic. (Normal difficulty or higher)
✅ unlocked at 7/9/2024, 12:16:07 AM
25 points
For Massive DamageFor Massive Damage
[Ys II] Defeat Velagunder on Nightmare difficulty.
✅ unlocked at 7/12/2024, 9:10:44 PM
10 points
Flea as a BirdFlea as a Bird
[Ys II] Defeat Tyalmath on Nightmare difficulty.
✅ unlocked at 7/12/2024, 10:21:29 PM
10 points
Seriously Though What Was ThatSeriously Though What Was That
[Ys II] Defeat Gelaldy on Nightmare difficulty.
✅ unlocked at 7/12/2024, 11:26:44 PM
10 points
Just Call Me "La Chancla"Just Call Me "La Chancla"
[Ys II] Defeat Druegar on Nightmare difficulty.
✅ unlocked at 7/13/2024, 1:33:25 AM
10 points
Bats Beaten BadlyBats Beaten Badly
[Ys II] Defeat Zava on Nightmare difficulty.
✅ unlocked at 7/13/2024, 8:46:09 PM
25 points
Dalles? More Like DingusDalles? More Like Dingus
[Ys II] Defeat Dalles on Nightmare difficulty.
✅ unlocked at 7/13/2024, 9:36:18 PM
25 points
Utter DarmnationUtter Darmnation
[Ys II] Defeat Darm on Nightmare difficulty.
✅ unlocked at 7/13/2024, 9:52:43 PM
50 points
Flea CollaredFlea Collared
[Ys II] Defeat Tyalmath without taking damage. (Normal difficulty or higher, no Time Attack)
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 2:53:40 AM
10 points
Ew I Don't Wanna Touch ItEw I Don't Wanna Touch It
[Ys II] Defeat Gelaldy without taking damage. (Normal difficulty or higher, no Time Attack)
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 11:30:32 PM
10 points
Bug SprayedBug Sprayed
[Ys II] Defeat Druegar without taking damage. (Normal difficulty or higher, no Time Attack)
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 8:55:05 PM
10 points
Bats, We're Bats, We're the BatsBats, We're Bats, We're the Bats
[Ys II] Defeat Zava without taking damage. (Normal difficulty or higher, no Time Attack)
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 11:54:57 PM
25 points
Don't Dare Do ItDon't Dare Do It
[Ys II] Defeat Dalles without taking damage. (Normal difficulty or higher, no Time Attack)
25 points
[Ys II] Defeat Darm without taking damage. (Normal difficulty or higher, no Time Attack)
10 points
Maximum AdolMaximum Adol
[Ys II] Reach level 55.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 11:47:36 PM
25 points
The Magic ChristinThe Magic Christin
[Ys II] Collect 99,999 gold.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 10:15:04 PM
10 points
All We've Got in StockAll We've Got in Stock
[Ys II] Collect all tier 1 equipment.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 12:42:55 AM
2 points
Movin' On UpMovin' On Up
[Ys II] Collect all tier 2 equipment.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 2:22:39 AM
3 points
Uhhh Gimme a Talwar, with a Large ShieldUhhh Gimme a Talwar, with a Large Shield
[Ys II] Collect all tier 3 equipment.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 11:47:27 PM
3 points
Every Little Thing the Reflex DoesEvery Little Thing the Reflex Does
[Ys II] Collect all tier 4 equipment.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 8:29:33 PM
5 points
Strong but StinkyStrong but Stinky
[Ys II] Collect all tier 5 equipment.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 9:44:00 PM
5 points
The Legendary GearThe Legendary Gear
[Ys II] Collect all tier 6 equipment.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 1:15:52 AM
5 points
Mahou Shonen AdolMahou Shonen Adol
[Ys II] Collect all magic.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 1:07:46 AM
5 points
Ready to Hit the TownReady to Hit the Town
[Ys II] Collect all equippable accessories.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 1:12:59 AM
5 points
Health InsuranceHealth Insurance
[Ys II] Buy the elixir.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 12:12:11 AM
5 points
Big PocketsBig Pockets
[Ys II] Completely fill the inventory screen.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 2:16:01 AM
25 points
Friend to AllFriend to All
[Ys II] Fill out the NPC collection by speaking to every NPC in the game.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 6:46:06 PM
25 points
Foe to AllFoe to All
[Ys II] Fill out every detail of the non-boss bestiary entries.
✅ unlocked at 7/8/2024, 2:10:09 AM
50 points
[Ys II] Commune with the Goddesses in Moondoria Ruins.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 12:14:42 AM
1 points
[Ys II] Commune with the Goddesses in the Ice Ridge of Noltia.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 2:38:38 AM
1 points
[Ys II] Commune with the Goddesses in the Moat of Burnedbless.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 2:56:35 AM
2 points
[Ys II] Commune with the Goddesses in Temple Hadal.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 8:56:21 PM
3 points
[Ys II] Experience gnosis by communing with the Goddesses themselves.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 10:02:08 PM
3 points
Item Hunt: Ruins of MoondoriaItem Hunt: Ruins of Moondoria
[Ys II] Find and collect all items in Ruins of Moondoria in one session. (No dying or loading)
✅ unlocked at 7/14/2024, 1:34:24 AM
2 points
Item Hunt: Rasteenie Mine and Toal Sanctuary, FrontItem Hunt: Rasteenie Mine and Toal Sanctuary, Front
[Ys II] Find and collect all items in Rasteenie Mine and Toal Sanctuary, before the boss, in one session. (No dying or loading)
✅ unlocked at 7/13/2024, 11:16:52 PM
3 points
Crab DippedCrab Dipped
[Ys II] Defeat Velagunder without taking damage. (Normal difficulty or higher, no time attack)
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 1:18:08 AM
10 points
Item Hunt: Rasteenie Mine, BackItem Hunt: Rasteenie Mine, Back
[Ys II] Find and collect all items in Rasteenie Mine, after the boss, in one session. (No dying or loading)
✅ unlocked at 7/13/2024, 11:33:40 PM
2 points
Item Hunt: Ice Ridge of NoltiaItem Hunt: Ice Ridge of Noltia
[Ys II] Find and collect all items before the boss in the Ice Ridge of Noltia in one session. (No dying or loading)
✅ unlocked at 7/14/2024, 12:28:40 AM
5 points
Item Hunt: Moat of BurnedblessItem Hunt: Moat of Burnedbless
[Ys II] Find and collect all items in Moat of Burnedbless in one session. (No dying or loading)
3 points
Item Hunt: Solomon ShrineItem Hunt: Solomon Shrine
[Ys II] Find and collect all items in the Solomon Shrine.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 9:25:51 PM
10 points
Item Hunt: Subterranean Canal and Ancient CoreItem Hunt: Subterranean Canal and Ancient Core
[Ys II] Find and collect all items in the Subterranean Canal and the Ancient Core of Ys.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 1:07:46 AM
10 points
I Don't Need Your Pity PorkI Don't Need Your Pity Pork
[Ys II] Clear Time Attack without healing.
✅ unlocked at 7/15/2024, 10:33:30 PM
5 points
I've Done This BeforeI've Done This Before
[Ys II] Clear Time Attack.
✅ unlocked at 7/15/2024, 10:33:30 PM
5 points
I've Done This A Few Times BeforeI've Done This A Few Times Before
[Ys II] Clear Time Attack in 8 minutes or less.
✅ unlocked at 7/15/2024, 10:33:30 PM
10 points
I've Done This A Lot, OkayI've Done This A Lot, Okay
[Ys II] Clear Time Attack in 5 minutes or less.
25 points
I Uh, Got You ThisI Uh, Got You This
[Ys II] Re-gift an apple to the person who gave it to you.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 12:01:28 AM
1 points
What A Romantic Ominous Temple That IsWhat A Romantic Ominous Temple That Is
[Ys II] Meet Lilia on the promontory behind Lance Village.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 12:21:39 AM
5 points
Enter... the Leg-ManEnter... the Leg-Man
[Ys II] Get a free Short Sword.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 12:23:41 AM
5 points
Duck BucksDuck Bucks
[Ys II] Get some gold coins from the Village duck to live longer.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 12:35:37 AM
5 points
Adol the Red... Bull?Adol the Red... Bull?
[Ys II] Help Doctor Flair get out of the mines ASAP. Like, instantly.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 1:03:25 AM
5 points
Adol the NerdAdol the Nerd
[Ys II] Defeat Velagunder without returning any of the Books of Ys. (Normal difficulty or higher)
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 1:18:07 AM
10 points
Blocking Is for ScrubsBlocking Is for Scrubs
[Ys II] Destroy Velagunder's claws before defeating it. (Normal difficulty or higher, no Time Attack)
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 1:18:08 AM
5 points
Gila's MonstersGila's Monsters
[Ys II] Permanently clear out Gila's entire basement.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 1:55:06 AM
5 points
A Fiend's CacheA Fiend's Cache
[Ys II] Find the boss's hidden chest in the Ice Ridge of Noltia.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 2:54:56 AM
5 points
Adol Christin, Smiling PolitelyAdol Christin, Smiling Politely
[Ys II] The colonists of Lava should never have left those outside.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 9:32:49 PM
3 points
God-Tier RascalGod-Tier Rascal
[Ys II] Raise Tarf up to level 25.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 10:29:30 PM
5 points
Little Brother AdolLittle Brother Adol
[Ys II] Get outclassed by Tarf. [Adol's level <= 24]
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 10:29:04 PM
10 points
Hahahaha This Sucks, ManHahahaha This Sucks, Man
[Ys II] ... "measure" Tarf.
✅ unlocked at 7/5/2024, 10:49:42 PM
1 points
I Never Roda Fruit I Didn't LikeI Never Roda Fruit I Didn't Like
[Ys II] Eat all three Roda Fruit from around the world in one session.
5 points
But My Walkthrough Said...But My Walkthrough Said...
[Ys II] Talk to the guard where the Goddess Pendant used to be.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 8:26:28 PM
5 points
It's on Sight, PalIt's on Sight, Pal
[Ys II] I don't know who you are but I don't appreciate your attitude.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 7:47:22 PM
1 points
That's My Hideout, I Don't Know YouThat's My Hideout, I Don't Know You
[Ys II] Try and enter the Canal Hideout while transformed.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 7:54:56 PM
3 points
She's Flint- I Mean Fine!She's Flint- I Mean Fine!
[Ys II] Talk to Banoa while Lilia is... indisposed.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 8:15:13 PM
1 points
Cute but NoCute but No
[Ys II] Try an innovative solution to your problems in front of Maria.
✅ unlocked at 7/6/2024, 11:58:54 PM
3 points
C'mon Man, You're Weirding Me OutC'mon Man, You're Weirding Me Out
[Ys II] Climb into three beds that don't belong to you. Creep.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 1:59:57 AM
3 points
I'm Very HungryI'm Very Hungry
[Ys II] Eat four special homemade foods in one session.
✅ unlocked at 7/7/2024, 2:17:12 AM
4 points
Let's Get This Over WithLet's Get This Over With
[Ys II] Beat the game in under 2 hours.
50 points
Naked Adol's Virtuous MissionNaked Adol's Virtuous Mission
[Ys II] Complete the game without picking up any armor or shields. (Normal difficulty or higher, challenge starts when a sword is equipped)
✅ unlocked at 7/15/2024, 10:13:31 PM
50 points

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