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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Progress

more about Sonic the Hedgehog 2Sonic the Hedgehog 2
52.8% complete

18 / 31 πŸ†
190 / 360 points

iconinfoRA score
Collector of ShiniesCollector of Shinies
Collect 50 Rings in a single Act.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 8:33:17 AM
5 points
Extend Your StayExtend Your Stay
Earn an extra life.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 8:32:41 AM
5 points
Out from the DepthsOut from the Depths
Clear Under Ground Zone.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 8:39:54 AM
10 points
Safe LandingSafe Landing
Clear Sky High Zone.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 8:45:49 AM
10 points
Coming AshoreComing Ashore
Clear Aqua Lake Zone.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 9:01:23 AM
10 points
Race to the FinishRace to the Finish
Clear Green Hills Zone.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 9:59:20 AM
10 points
Factory ShutdownFactory Shutdown
Clear Gimmick Mountain Zone.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 10:15:02 AM
10 points
A Precious Friend's Fate...?A Precious Friend's Fate...?
Clear Scrambled Egg Zone and watch the credits... but wait, did you forget something?
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 10:41:42 AM
10 points
Gems of PowerGems of Power
Find a Chaos Emerald!
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 9:09:03 AM
10 points
Keys to the Crystal EggKeys to the Crystal Egg
Obtain a full collection of 6 Chaos Emeralds!
25 points
Close as BrothersClose as Brothers
Watch the stars together with your dearest friend.
25 points
Not Quite ImmortalNot Quite Immortal
Collect 15 lives.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 9:48:53 AM
10 points
The Ones Robotnik ForgotThe Ones Robotnik Forgot
That 1-Up box in Sky High Zone's hidden grove deserves a closer inspection...
5 points
Secret StashSecret Stash
Find the 1-Up monitor hidden in Under Ground Zone Act 1.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 8:32:41 AM
5 points
Unstable FootingUnstable Footing
Complete Sky High Zone Act 2 without falling below the thunderhead.
10 points
Forgotten TreasureForgotten Treasure
Find the hidden 1-Up at the end of Aqua Lake Act 1.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 8:52:23 AM
5 points
Every Second is Borrowed TimeEvery Second is Borrowed Time
Navigate Aqua Lake Act 2 without letting your air levels get critically low. (Do not let the countdown appear)
10 points
Green Hills SprintGreen Hills Sprint
Finish Green Hills Zone Act 1 in 50 seconds or less.
10 points
Green Hills Lap 2Green Hills Lap 2
Finish Green Hills Zone Act 2 in 50 seconds or less.
10 points
Green Hills HurdlesGreen Hills Hurdles
In Green Hills Zone Act 3, reach the boss in 30 seconds or less.
10 points
Reason to ContinueReason to Continue
Spin Tails' face on the Goal Plate and earn a Continue! (See comments)
10 points
Bronze Medal ScorerBronze Medal Scorer
Earn 100,000 points.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 8:59:17 AM
10 points
Silver Medal ScorerSilver Medal Scorer
Earn 200,000 points.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 10:15:13 AM
25 points
Gold Medal ScorerGold Medal Scorer
Earn 300,000 points.
25 points
Master Robot Mastered - Antlion MechaMaster Robot Mastered - Antlion Mecha
Clear Under Ground Zone's boss act without losing a life.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 9:20:37 AM
10 points
Master Robot Mastered - Goose MechaMaster Robot Mastered - Goose Mecha
Clear Sky High Zone's boss act without losing a life.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 8:45:49 AM
10 points
Master Robot Mastered - Mecha Sea LionMaster Robot Mastered - Mecha Sea Lion
Clear Aqua Lake Zone's boss act without losing a life.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 9:47:08 AM
10 points
Master Robot Mastered - Mecha PigMaster Robot Mastered - Mecha Pig
Clear Green Hills Zone's boss act without losing a life.
10 points
Master Robot Mastered - Pig-Boar MechaMaster Robot Mastered - Pig-Boar Mecha
Clear Gimmick Mountain Zone's boss act without losing a life.
10 points
Master Robot Mastered - Silver SonicMaster Robot Mastered - Silver Sonic
Clear Scrambled Egg Zone's boss act without losing a life.
10 points
No Spare QuartersNo Spare Quarters
Clear the game getting either of the endings without using any Continues.
βœ… unlocked at 1/24/2024, 10:41:42 AM
25 points

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