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Shadow of the Ninja | Blue Shadow Progress

more about Shadow of the Ninja | Blue ShadowShadow of the Ninja | Blue Shadow
88.0% complete

38 / 44 πŸ†
431 / 490 points

iconinfoRA score
Beat Palooka!Beat Palooka!
Beat Stage 1-1
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 8:47:11 AM
5 points
Beat Stage 1-2Beat Stage 1-2
Beat Stage 1-2
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 8:48:37 AM
5 points
Beat Stage 1-3Beat Stage 1-3
Beat Stage 1-3
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 8:49:58 AM
5 points
Defeat the Missleman!Defeat the Missleman!
Beat Stage 1-4
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 8:51:14 AM
5 points
Beat Stage 2-1Beat Stage 2-1
Beat Stage 2-1
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 8:57:21 AM
5 points
Beat Stage 2-2Beat Stage 2-2
Beat Stage 2-2
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 9:00:17 AM
5 points
Defeat the Killer-Tank!Defeat the Killer-Tank!
Beat Stage 2-3
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 9:03:00 AM
5 points
Beat Stage 3-1Beat Stage 3-1
Beat Stage 3-1 (considered the half-way point of the stage)
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 9:09:51 AM
5 points
Beat Stage 3-2Beat Stage 3-2
Beat Stage 3-2 (considered reaching the boss)
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 9:13:09 AM
5 points
Beat Golden Samurai!Beat Golden Samurai!
Beat Stage 3-3!
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 9:32:34 AM
5 points
Beat Stage 4-1Beat Stage 4-1
Beat Stage 4-1
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 9:36:16 AM
5 points
Beat Stage 4-2Beat Stage 4-2
Beat Stage 4-2
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 9:46:13 AM
10 points
Beat Captain Hawk!Beat Captain Hawk!
Beat Stage 4-3!
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 9:50:50 AM
10 points
Beat Stage 5-1Beat Stage 5-1
Beat Stage 5-1
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 9:56:01 AM
10 points
(Hayate) Defeat Emperor Garuda!(Hayate) Defeat Emperor Garuda!
Beat The Game with Hayate!
βœ… unlocked at 11/27/2023, 9:13:07 PM
10 points
(Kaede) Defeat Emperor Garuda!(Kaede) Defeat Emperor Garuda!
Beat The Game with Kaede!
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 10:58:09 AM
10 points
End of a Tyrant!End of a Tyrant!
Beat the Game without dying! (any Ninja)
βœ… unlocked at 11/28/2023, 9:26:59 PM
50 points
(Hayate) Get shurikens!(Hayate) Get shurikens!
Get shurikens with Hayate!
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 8:46:00 AM
2 points
(Kaede) Get shurikens!(Kaede) Get shurikens!
Get shurikens with Kaede!
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 9:15:29 AM
2 points
Mastered the Missleman!Mastered the Missleman!
Beat Stage 1 without dying! (any ninja)
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 8:51:14 AM
10 points
Mastered Captain Hawk!Mastered Captain Hawk!
Beat Stage 4 without dying! (any ninja)
βœ… unlocked at 11/27/2023, 8:59:03 PM
25 points
Mastered Golden Samurai!Mastered Golden Samurai!
Beat Stage 3 without dying! (any ninja)
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 10:23:45 AM
25 points
Mastered the Killer-Tank!Mastered the Killer-Tank!
Beat Stage 2 without dying! (any ninja)
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 9:25:46 AM
10 points
Desperate Attack!Desperate Attack!
Use the secret atack! (any ninja)
1 points
Max Power!Max Power!
Full powered weapon!
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 10:00:16 AM
5 points
Master of Kage!Master of Kage!
Defeat Garuda with full weapon power! (and without damage)
βœ… unlocked at 12/1/2023, 10:15:43 PM
25 points
A Scribe of the WheelA Scribe of the Wheel
Find secret scroll in stage 1-3
5 points
Slash Through the Monkey BusinessSlash Through the Monkey Business
Find secret katana in stage 1-1
1 points
Centrifugal ForceCentrifugal Force
Find secret bombs in stage 1-3
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2023, 8:49:43 PM
2 points
Explosive ClimbExplosive Climb
Find secret bombs in stage 3-1
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2023, 8:56:12 PM
2 points
The Sound of DestructionThe Sound of Destruction
Find secret bombs in stage 4-1
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2023, 8:10:06 PM
2 points
Vitality ContainerVitality Container
Find secret potion in stage 3-2
βœ… unlocked at 12/18/2023, 8:07:40 PM
1 points
An Extra Bill of HealthAn Extra Bill of Health
Find secret potion in stage 4-2
2 points
Subtle in ArtillerySubtle in Artillery
Defeat Missleman without taking damage[No Subweapons, Any Character, 1P Only]
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 9:19:40 AM
10 points
One-Man ArmyOne-Man Army
Defeat Killer-Tank without taking damage[No Subweapons, Any Character, 1P Only]
βœ… unlocked at 11/23/2023, 10:18:44 AM
10 points
A Contest of KnightsA Contest of Knights
Defeat Golden Samurai without taking damage[No Subweapons, Any Character, 1P Only]
βœ… unlocked at 12/1/2023, 11:25:13 PM
10 points
Who Needs the High Ground?Who Needs the High Ground?
Defeat Captain Hawk without taking damage[No Subweapons, Any Character, 1P Only]
25 points
Clear game using only katana 1CC sub weapons not allowed[Any Character,1P Only]
βœ… unlocked at 12/1/2023, 11:44:06 PM
50 points
Kama ReaperKama Reaper
Clear game using only kusarigama 1CC sub weapons allowed[Any Character,1P Only]
βœ… unlocked at 11/28/2023, 9:26:54 PM
50 points
Set Sail Ahead!Set Sail Ahead!
Claer Stage 1_1 damagless without ever pressing left.[No Subweapons, Any Character, 1P Only]
βœ… unlocked at 12/3/2023, 9:20:47 PM
10 points
Defeat Missleman in 17 seconds or less.[No Subweapons, Any Character, 1P Only]
βœ… unlocked at 12/3/2023, 9:47:04 PM
10 points
Through the Muck and MireThrough the Muck and Mire
Clear Stage 2_2 damageless in 23 seconds or less without ever pressing left.[Any Character, 1P Only]
βœ… unlocked at 12/14/2023, 3:10:46 AM
5 points
Agent of the StratosphereAgent of the Stratosphere
Clear Stage 4_2 in 85 seconds or less.[Any Character, 1P Only]
25 points
Battlehardened and Made to WinBattlehardened and Made to Win
From the start of Stage 5_2 Reach Garuda damageless.[Any Character, 1P Only]
βœ… unlocked at 12/1/2023, 11:42:12 PM
10 points

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