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icon | info | RA score |
The Partial Glyph Find a glyph | 1 points | |
The Whole Glyph Find all 14 glyphs | 10 points | |
The Half Glyph Find 7 glyphs | 5 points | |
What Was That Thing? Defeat the Ligaroo | 5 points | |
Boom! Headshot! Perform 50 headshots | 10 points | |
Headshot Master Perform 10 headshot kills without taking damage | 5 points | |
Bad to the Bone Collect the shotgun | 3 points | |
Suckheads, Here I Come Collect the machine pistol | 3 points | |
UV Lasercannon Collect the UV Lasercannon | 2 points | |
Now That's What I'm Talkin' 'Bout Collect the multi-launcher | 3 points | |
No Really, What Was That Thing? Defeat the Ligaroo without taking damage on Hard difficulty | 10 points | |
Maybe Whistler Can Make Use of This Collect a weapon part for Whistler | 2 points | |
Weapon Parts Collector Collect all weapon parts for Whistler | 5 points | |
Aren't You Going to Spend That? Have $500 or more on you | 3 points | |
The Terminal Complete the terminal | 2 points | |
Woah! Put That Down Big Guy! Defeat the Heavy Weapons Guy | 5 points | |
Too Slow! Defeat the Heavy Weapons Guy at the Buddhist Temple without taking damage and without leaving the room on Hard difficulty | 10 points | |
Hardcore Mode In one session, beat the game without dying on Hard difficulty | 25 points | |
Hey, What Took Ya? Free Whistler from his cell | 1 points | |
Crashing the Ceremony Defeat the Faustinas Priestess | 5 points | |
Killed by Your Own Minion Defeat Faustinas Priestess in the ritual area without taking damage on Hard difficulty | 10 points | |
This Is All I Need In one session, beat the game using only the sword, melee and handgun (Whistler segment excluded, UV Lasercannon allowed) | 25 points | |
Blade Needs Blood As Whistler, collect the blood for Blade | 3 points | |
I Got This! As Whistler, defeat the Ligaroo without taking damage after it spawns | 10 points | |
What's This For? Find the Amulet | 3 points | |
Night at the Museum Collect all keycards | 3 points | |
Getting Sick of These Faustinas Defeat the Faustinas Priestess in the museum basement | 5 points | |
You Can't Even Hit Me with Magic! Defeat the Faustinas Priestess in the museum basement without taking damage on Hard difficulty | 10 points | |
What a Joke Defeat Mannheim | 5 points | |
Can't Touch This! Defeat Mannheim without taking damage on Hard difficulty | 10 points | |
You Need to Get Some Sun Defeat the Nightbeast during the day | 25 points | |
No Time for Healing Defeat the Nightbeast during the day without using any healing items on Hard difficulty | 25 points | |
You Need Some Simulated Sun Defeat the Nightbeast during the night | 25 points | |
Flawless Simulated Sun Defeat the Nightbeast during the night without taking damage on Hard difficulty | 25 points | |
Master Marksman Perform 15 headshot kills with the handgun | 5 points | |
Beat It Fast! In one session, beat the game in 2 hours or less | 10 points | |
Love a Good Story! Find the Ancient Book | 3 points | |
Shotgun Expert As Blade, kill 30 enemies using the shotgun | 5 points | |
Machine Pistol Expert Kill 30 enemies using the machine pistol | 5 points | |
Multi-Launcher Expert Kill 30 enemies using the multi-launcher with any ammo except for grenades | 5 points | |
Fast Terminal Complete the terminal in 3 minutes or less without dying | 10 points | |
Don't Damage the Exhibits! Get through the museum without firing a shot | 10 points | |
Machine Pistol Marksman Perform 15 headshot kills with the machine pistol | 5 points | |
I'm Low on Rounds, with Suckheads Inbound Complete the Whistler segment firing the shotgun only once | 10 points | |
Shipped! Complete the shipping area | 2 points | |
The Docks Complete the docks | 2 points | |
Get Outta China Town! Complete China Town | 2 points | |
Why Did I Come Here Again? Complete the catacombs | 2 points | |
Who's the Fat Guy? Complete the Buddhist Temple | 2 points | |
Where Were the Turtles? Complete the sewers | 2 points | |
No Subway for Me Complete the subway | 2 points | |
The Pallintine Building Complete the Pallintine building | 2 points | |
Whistler in the Garage Complete the garage | 2 points | |
Cool Stuff Complete the museum | 2 points | |
The Storm Drains Complete the storm drains | 2 points | |
Leaving the City Limits Complete the city limits at day or night | 2 points | |
Pallintine Aerospace Assembly Complete the Pallintine Aerospace Assembly Plant at day or night | 2 points | |
The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend Witness an enemy kill another enemy ✅ unlocked at 9/25/2024, 9:40:49 AM | 1 points | |
Don't Have Time For This Correctly align all of the plane pieces in the Aerospace Assembly Plant during the day in 10 button presses or less | 2 points | |
Forgot My Machine Pistol Defeat the Heavy Weapons Guy at the Buddhist Temple without using the machine pistol and without leaving the room | 10 points |