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Madden NFL 06

Madden NFL 06


Xbox 360

achievements (11)

Complete 30 Years of Franchise
Successfully complete 30 years of Franchise mode.
400 Gamerscore
Win the Super Bowl
Win the Super Bowl with your Franchise team.
100 Gamerscore
Rush for 200 Yards
Successfully rush for 200 yards or more.
100 Gamerscore
Pass for 350 Yards
Successfully pass for over 350 yards or more.
100 Gamerscore
Four Sacks in One Game
Amass four sacks in one game.
100 Gamerscore
Enter History Book
Enter any of the history book screens in Franchise mode.
10 Gamerscore
Win a Franchise Game
Win a user-controlled Franchise game.
100 Gamerscore
Complete an Offline Game
Successfully complete an offline game
30 Gamerscore
Get a First Down
Gain a first down in any offline game mode.
20 Gamerscore
Score a Touchdown
Score a Touchdown in any Offline game mode.
30 Gamerscore
Activate RS Card
Activate any of the RS cards.
10 Gamerscore

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