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Matchmaker + Logix + Buzzword

Matchmaker + Logix + Buzzword


Magnavox Odyssey 2

achievements (12)

iconinfoRA score
Persistence of MemoryPersistence of Memory
Complete a single-player game of Matchmaker
2 points
Rapid RecallRapid Recall
Complete a single-player game of Matchmaker in under 60 seconds
5 points
Picture PerfectPicture Perfect
Complete a single-player game of Matchmaker with no more than 6 incorrect matches
5 points
Extra-Sensory PredictionExtra-Sensory Prediction
In a single-player game of Matchmaker, complete a match using a space that hasn't previously been revealed
3 points
No Men Were Hanged in the Making of This GameNo Men Were Hanged in the Making of This Game
Complete a game of Buzzword
3 points
Complete a game of Buzzword with no more than 4 incorrect guesses
4 points
A Vowel of SilenceA Vowel of Silence
Complete a game of Buzzword without incorrectly guessing any vowels
4 points
I'm Just Here for the...I'm Just Here for the...
In a game of Buzzword, guess the letters P-O-I-N-T-S in order, then complete the game
4 points
Master of the MindMaster of the Mind
Complete a game of Logix
2 points
Record BreakerRecord Breaker
Complete a game of Logix in 7 or fewer guesses
5 points
In a game of Logix, make a guess with all 5 numbers correct, but none in the right spot
3 points
Rated M for MatureRated M for Mature
In a game of Logix, enter 42069 as your first guess, then complete the game in 10 or fewer guesses
5 points

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