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achievements (11)

iconinfoRA score
Crossed the FieldsCrossed the Fields
Complete Mission 1 in one player mode
5 points
Conscientious ObjectorConscientious Objector
Touch the wall or door of the enemy base at the end of Mission 1, loop 1 without killing any enemies or picking up any grenades in one player mode
10 points
Battlefield RescueBattlefield Rescue
Free the POW in Mission 1, loop 1 by killing both guards in one player mode
3 points
Survived No Man's LandSurvived No Man's Land
Complete Mission 2 in one player mode
10 points
Infiltrated the Enemy CampInfiltrated the Enemy Camp
Complete Mission 3 in one player mode
10 points
Weak ArmWeak Arm
Complete Mission 3, loop 1 without using a grenade during it in one player mode
25 points
Trench WarfareTrench Warfare
Kill ten entrenched enemies in Mission 2, loop 1 in one life in one player mode
10 points
Private's PointsPrivate's Points
Score 10,000 points in one player mode
3 points
Sergeant's ScoreSergeant's Score
Score 50,000 points in one player mode
10 points
Murphy's MarkMurphy's Mark
Score 100,000 points in one player mode
25 points
Be in possession of 20 grenades at once in one player mode
5 points

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