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Wordsweeper by POWGI Progress

Wordsweeper by POWGImore about Wordsweeper by POWGI
100.0% complete

26 / 26 πŸ†
1000 / 1000 points

Read the instructions to the end
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:30:35 AM
25 Gamerscore
Pup and RunningPup and Running
Solve your first puzzle
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:35:18 AM
25 Gamerscore
Help MeowtHelp Meowt
Use Hint to show a possible letter placement
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:31:55 AM
25 Gamerscore
Use Your WordsUse Your Words
Use Hint when there are no letter placement moves left
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 7:30:55 AM
25 Gamerscore
I Don't Get ItI Don't Get It
Enter an invalid letter 5 times
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:32:04 AM
25 Gamerscore
I Really Don't Get ItI Really Don't Get It
Enter a letter that is invalid in 5 directions
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:32:22 AM
50 Gamerscore
Sweep asideSweep aside
Use Fix to remove mistakes 10 times
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:34:09 AM
25 Gamerscore
Sweep under the carpetSweep under the carpet
Use Fix to remove at least 10 wrong letters at once
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:33:39 AM
50 Gamerscore
Who's a Clever Boy?Who's a Clever Boy?
Solve a puzzle without making a single mistake
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:36:07 AM
100 Gamerscore
The Leashed You Could DoThe Leashed You Could Do
Solve a puzzle without using Fix or Hint
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:36:07 AM
100 Gamerscore
Paws For ThoughtPaws For Thought
Spend at least a minute considering what to do next
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:31:44 AM
25 Gamerscore
Broom BroomBroom Broom
Complete a puzzle in under 60 seconds
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:36:07 AM
100 Gamerscore
Place the name 'Per' perfectly
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:55:54 AM
25 Gamerscore
Place the word 'bee' beautifully
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 5:59:34 AM
25 Gamerscore
Place the word 'ski' skillfully
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 6:21:19 AM
25 Gamerscore
Place the word "sir". Gosh, there's a trophy for that?
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 6:31:52 AM
25 Gamerscore
Place the word 'fan' fantastically
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 6:37:54 AM
25 Gamerscore
Place the word "con" and pat yourself on the back
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 6:39:01 AM
25 Gamerscore
Place the word 'pro' like a pro.
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 6:39:59 AM
25 Gamerscore
Pop starPop star
Place the word 'pop' like a star
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 6:48:06 AM
25 Gamerscore
Place the word 'ill' and be well
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 6:55:15 AM
25 Gamerscore
Place the word 'leg' and … wait for it …
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 6:59:14 AM
25 Gamerscore
Place the word 'awe' awesomely
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 7:02:26 AM
25 Gamerscore
Place the word 'pen' stupendously
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 7:06:40 AM
25 Gamerscore
Just WowJust Wow
Place the word 'wow'. That is all.
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 7:18:56 AM
25 Gamerscore
Sweep the BoardSweep the Board
Complete every puzzle
βœ… unlocked at 1/2/2024, 7:32:04 AM
100 Gamerscore

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